WE ARE OPEN! Click here to schedule an appointment and for more information on our new policies and procedures.


No referral is needed to schedule an appointment

Due to COVID-19, we have implemented the following policies and procedures to protect our patients and staff.

  • We are spreading out appointments for the next few weeks to have fewer people in the office at a time and to give us time to clean between patients. Please wait in your car until your exact appointment time so we do not have patients in the waiting room. We also ask that you either come alone to your appointment or bring only one companion.
  • If you have a mask, please wear it to your appointment or we can provide one for you. Please use our provided hand sanitizer as soon as you arrive in our office.
  • In addition to our normal infection control measures, our staff is disinfecting all equipment and frequently-touched surfaces between appointments, including countertops, pens, doorknobs, testing equipment and furniture.
  • No Walk-in Appointments at this time. Stopping by our office without an appointment can create a crowd in our waiting room. We require that you call before coming in for a specific appointment time. Also, please wait in your car until your exact appointment time so we do not have people waiting in the waiting room.
  • If you are experiencing any symptoms, have been exposed to anyone with COVID19, or have any chronic medical or immunocompromising conditions, we have special options for your appointment either via telehealth/remote programming or curb-side/drive-thru care. (Telehealth appointments only available for patients located in CA, NV, and FL.)

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this time and look forward to serving you safely!